The effectiveness of this technique depends on the number of services that need to be run as well as the time it takes for each service to run. 这种方法的效率取决于需要启动的服务的数量和每个服务启动所需要的时间。
Enforce security standards and policies for service run time ( service security). 执行服务运行时的安全标准和策略(服务安全性)。
Then, at deployment or run time, different implementations can be substituted for this specification to achieve the desired qualities of service. 然后,在部署和运行的时候,该规范可以替换成各种的实施方法,以获得服务所需的质量。
JAX-WS2. x, and hence Metro, requires a WSDL service definition at run time in order to build the service configuration. JAX-WS2.x,当然还有Metro,在运行时都需要WSDL服务定义,以便构建服务定义。
User can select the port, transport and operation at run time and provide input parameters to invoke the web service. 用户可以在运行时选择端口、传输和操作,并提供输入参数来调用Web服务。
These artifacts are tested and deployed into a run time environment with a communication infrastructure provided via an enterprise service bus architecture. 可以通过企业服务总线体系结构提供的通信基础设施,来测试这些构件并在运行时环境中进行部署。
The advanced search capability allows for discovering a service development time and run time information in a registry even when the service exact name is not known. 高级搜索功能允许在注册表中查找服务的开发时和运行时信息,即使您不知道服务的精确名称。
At run time, the message set is then used to validate the Web service messages that are sent and received by the message flow. 然后在运行时,使用消息集验证消息流发送或接收的Web服务消息。
The JAX-WS run time is responsible for providing the SOAP envelope if the service is using a SOAP binding. 如果服务使用SOAP绑定,JAX-WS运行时负责提供SOAP信封。
At run time, either a module or service can create the new service and deploy it. 在运行时,可以由模块或服务创建新服务并进行部署。
In effect, the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus run time enables the force synchronous property on any Service Invoke primitive within an aggregation boundary. 实际上,WebSphereEnterpriseServiceBus运行时对聚合边界中的任何服务调用原语启用强制同步属性。
Process is deployed on a process run time engine, and the running processes are monitored for performance and other Service Level Agreements ( SLA) and KPIs. 流程在流程运行时引擎上部署,会对正在运行的流程进行监视,以了解其性能和其他服务级别协议(ServiceLevelAgreements,SLA)及KPI。
The deployed services can also be dynamically selected at run time to build composite applications based on some selection criteria from the service requesters. 还可以在运行时动态选择已部署的服务,以基于来自服务请求者的某些选择条件构建组合应用程序。
Similarly, when a component is wired to an import with a Web service binding, the run time automatically handles the invocation of the Web service. 类似地,当将某个组件连接到带有Web服务绑定的导入时,运行时将自动处理Web服务的调用。
Run time governance focuses on policies concerned with the regulation of access, security, and the service performance that can be consumed both internally and externally. 运行时间治理所侧重的策略关注对访问、安全性、可以在内部和外部消费的服务性能进行监管。
This layer provides for the integration of mainframe systems through multiple run time solution patterns such as Web facing, communication-level integration, messaging and Web service enabling. 该层通过多个运行时解决方案模式(如面向Web、通信级集成、消息传递和启用Webservice)提供大型机系统的集成。
The advantage of this approach is that you don't need to copy your service archive file into the repository, and it's only at run time that your service is visible. 此方法的优势在于,您并不需要将服务存档文件复制到存储库中,而且仅在运行时服务才可见。
Be sure to include time in your scoping effort to design your WebSphere run-time environment and come up with a plan for migrating your existing run time with minimal cost and interruption of service. 请确保在您的作用域确定工作中包括用于设计WebSphere运行时环境的时间并为以最小成本和最少的服务中断迁移您的运行时制定一个计划。
This process can run ( repeatedly) on a time schedule or it can be invoked ( repeatedly) as a service from a business process or any other service consumer. 这个过程可以按时间计划(重复地)运行,或者由业务流程或任何其他服务使用者作为服务(重复地)调用。
You can scan your portlet service methods for any code that is executed in the same manner on every request and move it to the init method to reduce the run time cost for the service methods. 可以对Portlet服务方法进行扫描,以发现所有对每个请求执行相同操作的代码,将其移动到初始方法中,以降低该服务方法的运行时开销。
The WS-Security run time is inserted in the web service processing chain when the application is deployed. 当部署应用程序时,WS-Security运行时插入Web服务处理链中。
The service discovery mechanism in Registry automatically discovers run time services from enterprise application environments and publishes the service descriptions to Registry. Registry中的服务发现机制会自动从企业应用程序环境发现运行时服务,并将服务描述发布到Registry。
This can then be used by a run time component, like an Enterprise Service Bus, to retrieve defined policies for a particular service or operation and act accordingly. 然后诸如企业服务总线之类的运行时组件可以使用该链接,以检索为特定服务或操作定义的策略并相应地采取行动。
It can also be used for run time service invocation 它同样可被用于运行时服务调用
Nowadays, the analog television is being substituted by digital television, which will run a long time. And the STB is the shortcut for both the television connecting to Internet and the service for receiving television broadcasting. 在当今模拟电视向数字电视转化的过渡期内,采用数字机顶盒是电视接入因特网和接收广播电视服务的最便捷途径。
Workflow configuration tool of the build time, process management tool of the run time and message service tool are the important modules of workflow management system. 流程管理系统主要由创建期的流程配置工具、运行期的流程调度管理工具和消息服务工具组成。
A heuristic algorithm is developed to search control rule minimizing the long run average cost per unit time subject to a service level constraint. 并针对此问题,提出一启发式算法,利用该算法可以寻找出在一定服务水平下,使单位时间内平均成本最小的补充策略。